Friday, November 4, 2011

Asteroid coming?

You may have already heard about this, but an asteroid is on path to destroy the world next Tuesday!!! Just kidding, but it will come within close vicinity of our home, with no possibility of hitting us (201, 700 km, which may seem really far away, but that's closer than the moon!)  My science teacher told me about this, and I was really interested! This asteroid (Asteroid 2005 YU55), has been tracked for a long time and has no chance at hitting Earth in the next 100 years. It is 400 m in diameter and is traveling at ~8 m/s.

Here's an article, broke out in March from Nasa:

Near-Earth asteroid 2005 YU55 will pass within 0.85 lunar distances from the Earth on November 8, 2011. The upcoming close approach by this relatively large 400 meter-sized, C-type asteroid presents an excellent opportunity for synergistic ground-based observations including optical, near infrared and radar data. The attached animated illustration shows the Earth and moon flyby geometry for November 8th and 9th when the object will reach a visual brightness of 11th magnitude and should be easily visible to observers in the northern and southern hemispheres. The closest approach to Earth and the Moon will be respectively 0.00217 AU and 0.00160 AU on 2011 November 8 at 23:28 and November 9 at 07:13 UT.

Discovered December 28, 2005 by Robert McMillan of the Spacewatch Program near Tucson Arizona, the object has been previously observed by Mike Nolan, Ellen Howell and colleagues with the Arecibo radar on April 19-21, 2010 and shown to be a very dark, nearly spherical object 400 meters in diameter. Because of its approximate 20-hour rotation period, ideal radar observations should include tracks that are 8 hours or longer on multiple dates at Goldstone (November 3-11) and when the object enters Arecibo's observing window on November 8th.

Using the Goldstone radar operating in a relatively new "chirp" mode, the November 2011 radar opportunity could result in a shape model reconstruction with a resolution of as fine as 4 meters. Several days of high resolution imaging (about 7.5 meters) are also planned at Arecibo. As well as aiding the interpretation of the radar observations, collaborative visual and near infrared observations could define the object's rotation characteristics and provide constraints upon the nature of the object's surface roughness and mineral composition.
Since the asteroid will approach the Earth from the sunward direction, it will be a daylight object until the time of closest approach. The best time for new ground-based optical and infrared observations will be late in the day on November 8, after 21:00 hours UT from the eastern Atlantic and western Africa zone. A few hours after its close Earth approach, it will become generally accessible for optical and near-IR observations but will provide a challenging target because of its rapid motion across the sky.

Trajectory of Asteroid 2005 YU55 - November 9,
 2011 - Edge-on View

Trajectory of Asteroid 2005 YU55 - November 9, 2011
Edge-on view to the ecliptic plane

Although classified as a potentially hazardous object, 2005 YU55 poses no threat of an Earth collision over at least the next 100 years. However, this will be the closest approach to date by an object this large that we know about in advance and an event of this type will not happen again until 2028 when asteroid (153814) 2001 WN5 will pass to within 0.6 lunar distances. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Neutrinos Not As Fast As Previously Thought...

When the news, first broke out about neutrinos going faster than the speed of light, I was astonished! It may have led to new discoveries and new ways to harness the little particles. However, the news is now proved wrong, according to an article by Stephen Ornes.
In September, European scientists reported on tiny particles called neutrinos that traveled faster than the speed of light. Physicists, the scientists who study energy in all its forms, have long believed that nothing outpaces light in a race through empty space. Understandably, September’s announcement seemed too amazing to be true.
Skeptical scientists quickly started picking the experiment apart. In recent papers, they claim superluminal neutrinos seem too fast to be true because they probably are too fast to be true. (“Superluminal” means “faster than light.”) According to these scientists, the universal speed limit likely still stands at 670 million miles per hour, the speed of light.
The neutrinos left an underground laboratory in Switzerland and traveled more than 450 miles to an underground laboratory in Italy. Scientists who work on an Italian experiment called OPERA timed the neutrinos as being a smidgen faster than the blaze of light.
As they traveled, the superswift particles should have been losing energy in the form of radiation, say physicists from Boston University. OPERA’s measurements didn’t show the expected energy loss in the neutrino beam. As a result, the experiment’s results seem off, say the Boston duo.
“I would be ecstatic to see some kind of new physics coming from this experiment,” Andrew Cohen, one of the Boston University physicists, told Science News. But the radiation evidence wasn’t there. “It’s just hard to accommodate” the conclusion that the particles outraced light, he says. Cohen worked with his colleague Sheldon Glashow, who won a Nobel Prize in 1979.
A separate team of scientists in Italy conducted a follow-up neutrino experiment to look for the missing radiation, but it didn’t show. Cohen and Glashow’s study doesn’t completely disprove the results, but it does suggest something went awry in the original experiment.
“We’re pretty much convinced that the experiment is wrong,” Glashow told Science News. “But I don’t think anyone has identified the error, if there is an error, as of yet.”
Scientists do have some ideas. A French physicist in Grenoble wonders if some of the neutrinos in the beam started their trip earlier than the scientists think. And a physicist in England, Carlo Contaldi, suggests that the clocks used to time the neutrinos may have been out of sync with each other. Contaldi points out that gravity tugs harder on the Swiss clock than on the one in Italy, and as a result they may have been ticking at different times.
Contaldi told Science News that he’ll be able to check his idea once the OPERA team starts talking more about their work.
“Until further details come out as to how they did the various bits of their experiment,” he said, “it’s not clear how to proceed.”
The case of the superluminal neutrinos shows the progress of science, from an astonishing find to the grueling work of verifying the results. Even if the neutrinos do obey the speed limit, the OPERA results will have given scientists valuable knowledge about the behavior of supersmall, superfast neutrinos.
I wish it wasn't proven wrong, as this discovery could change the world (and I had recently learned about neutrinos at the National Science Olympiad in May!). 

Friday, October 14, 2011

How MP3 Players Work

In honor of Steve Jobs and Apple, I've decided to post about MP3 players, an industry that Apple changed and revolutionized forever with the iPod. Here is the link for the article about how MP3 players work. 

It is a very well written article (I love HowStuffWorks!), that describes the intricacies of the MP3 player. It is quite scary how quickly our world has advanced in such a short period of time. The MP3 file (and player) is the newest of the music industry, and probably most popular, as many platforms accept and use it and it is very compact, compressing a song into about a tenth of the space taken up on a CD-rom. Moreover, the MP3 player is a very impressive piece of hardware, doing many things in a device that weighs about an ounce (or less!). The microprocessor is the brain of the device and performs many tasks. Can you believe that something so advanced is already almost 20 years old? We can only wait to see what innovations will rock the world next (maybe you will help design the next wave of music, you just have to work towards it!). For more information, please click on the links above, or this one.

Well, that's it folks! Come back next week for another dash of Sients.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


After someone I know suggested it, I have been meditating every morning for the last couple of weeks and the effects have been noticeable. After taking a shower, I sit on my bed and just concentrate on my breathing. My days have been calmer with less anxiety and I have performed and thought better throughout the day. I would definitely recommend trying to do this everyday. This blog is about science, so here is the science behind it!